Wednesday, May 05, 2010

APS Observer - Unicorn Joyrides and Other Rewards of a Doctorate in Psychology

The redoubtable Sarah Brookhart, deputy director of the Association for Psychological Science, invited me to wax philosophical about my twisty little career path. Here is the result. Special thanks to Andy Carra for supplying the lede.

“It’s like you get to ride around on a unicorn and grant wishes.” That’s how my friend Andy described my new job as Vice President of Content Development at The Tech Museum, a hands-on science and technology center in San Jose, California.

I have to agree with Andy; the job is pretty magical. Over the next few years, I will spearhead the design of some 100 new exhibits on Silicon Valley, biotechnology, green energy, and technological solutions to social and environmental problems. I get to work with curators, designers, educators, and engineers to make science and technology delicious for everyone. I get to inspire kids and empower adults and loop new communities into the circle of knowledge. I get to have fun for a living.

But my new job is also a tiny bit terrifying....

To read more, click here

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